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  Healing Streams Christian Ministries


About Us

Rev. Rudy Cerullo II, ThD, DMin, PhD; is the Co-Founder of Healing Streams Christian Ministries in Colorado Springs, CO; a place for restoring, rebuilding, and releasing people into their God-given strengths and vision.


Dr. Rudy has dedicated his life to the study of the Word of God, having earned 2 Masters: MDiv in Psychology/Historical Theology; ThM in Patristic Historical Theology (both from Fuller Theological Seminary) and 3 earned Doctorates: ThD in New Testament Theology (Southern California Theological Seminary); DMin in Pastoral Counseling (SCTS) and PhD in Professional Christian Counseling (Vision International University). 


He has been in full time ministry for 50 years as a pastor, assoc. pastor, chaplain, missionary, international guest speaker; and professor of Bible, Theology and Biblical counseling for several universities.

Rev. Lynn Cerullo is the Co-Founder of Healing Streams Christian Ministries in Colorado Springs, CO; a place for restoring, rebuilding, and releasing people into their God-given strengths and vision.  


Rev. Cerullo has been in full-time ministry for 40 years in a wide range of leadership. She was Co-Founder/Pastor of a large ministry in California for 12 years; overseer of her own international ministry holding mass evangelism campaigns and pastors conferences in eleven countries. She is a national, inter-denominational speaker on leadership, Christian living, relationships, theology and worship. Lynn served as Dean/Instructor/ Counselor at Christ for the Nations, Dallas, TX for 4 years. She was also a guest evangelist for Camp Pendleton Marine Corp Base from 1979-1989, leading approximately 34,000 marines to the Lord. 


Lynn holds a BA in Ministry, an MA in Leadership and Communication from Vision International University (Fully State Approved; pending State Accredidation). She was awarded a Doctorate of Divinity 2007 from VIU for 25 years of achievements as a college instructor, evangelist, pastor, counselor and leadership in the US and abroad. 


" It would be hard to express with words our deep appreciation for the love, compassion, and ministry you have poured into us during our intensive.  The best way that we can sum up our gratitude is to simply say thank you.  When we first arrived we felt broken, ashamed, and alone. But, by the grace of God, and through wise counseling, we are leaving humbled, hopeful, and headed toward healing. Thank you and we love you."

J.& R. B. Minnesota

"My marriage was all but over. My teenagers were out of control. I'd hit a wall with my husband's controlling ways and his destructive temper. Our family's future looked dark and I was certain we were going to break apart. Lynn's insight and wisdom not only gave me a sense of perserverance, but softened my husband's heart in such a way that I now have a genuine sense of HOPE. The changes in him are like NOTHING I've seen in 20 years of marriage! Lynn's understanding of biblical principles and how they apply to relationships cannot be overstated. This has truly been a miracle!!"  K.H. Colorado Springs


"During a particularly difficult time in our family, Lynn and Dr. Rudy have been instrumental in helping us grow closer together instead of blowing apart.  

By being keenly aware of each of our individual needs, Lynn has brought understanding, grown communication and helped each of us find meaningful healing.  Her tender-loving heart, wise counsel and sense of humor are just a few of the strengths Lynn draws upon that help her relate not only to adults, but also teenagers.  Her ability to see various points of view, while not compromising her foundation of the scriptures, is invaluable to anyone in need.   


Dr. Rudy brings depth of knowledge and loving personality to clients.  In many ways he is a virtual encyclopedia (a total compliment) bringing understanding that is not often found in the counseling community.  


Recently, during a time where our son was in great crisis, Dr. Rudy was able to help us sift through a very difficult situation to where our son is now wonderfully stabilized.  I don’t know what we would have done without him.  


Together, Lynn and Dr. Rudy are amazing advocates.  They are the most tangible examples of Christ’s love we have experienced in a very long time and we are deeply grateful for all of the support they have given, and continue to give our family."   N.R., Colorado Springs


"Dr. Rudy and Lynn are an amazing duo. They have been instrumental in helping our teenage daughter dig through her feelings to help discover the truth about her self-image and better undertand the motivations and consequences of an eating disorder. Lynn is an active listener and gracious and loving counselor with both adults and teens. We are so grateful for the guidance this team has provided for our whole family. Rudy and Lynn feel like family."  M.P., Colorado Springs



"Lynn is the first counselor that my husband has ever liked, much less learned anything from. God bless you!  It feels like there is some tiny bit of REAL hope for the first a very long time!"  J.C., Colorado Springs


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